SDKBOX for Cocos


SDKBOX support ALL the recent versions (v3.0 +) for Cocos/Cocos2d-x game engine, including C++, Javascript and Lua.


You can install SDKBOX plugins using one of these three methods.

By SDKBOX CLI Installer

SDKBOX Installer is an optional command line tool for any version of cocos2d-x projects, including v3.x. It lets you integrate SDK plugins by a single line of command. (Learn more)

From Cocos Creator

We are working on a plugin for Creator which will allow you to integrate SDKBOX plugins directly from UI. For now, you can still use SDKBOX installer. (Learn more)

By installing manually

If you prefer to see exactly which libraries and assets are needed for a integration, you can download the plugin bundle file. A bundle packages everything including SDK libs, instructions, and sample codes. You can download the bundle files from the SDKBOX Plugins page.


After integration, please make sure to check out each plugin's individual documentation for the detail information about updateing settings and calling APIs from your game.